In My Rover Near the Cliffs of Dover- A Love Story

She was brilliant. She was beautiful. She was my most faithful of companions and her name was Rover. Now as I peered out through the fogged-up glass, it seemed I was losing her for good. I remember that fateful day I first brought her home with me. Everything about her seemed so pure, clean and new. I loved the way she looked… the way she smelled… that certain style that only she possessed.

They say you can’t buy love, but the 500 quid I paid for her never felt so right, nor so good.  At first, I planned on only using her for awhile. You know, merely as a cheap means to get around. But then things got much more serious. I became attached and I didn’t want to lose her. I seriously considered even bringing her back to the States with me; and  I probably would’ve if everything hadn’t just sort of fallen apart.

She had been mine for only a month when I first began noticing her condition starting to deteriorate.  It all happened as we were returning from a romantic drive from the White Cliffs of Dover. to my home in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire. First it was merely a hiccup or sputter and but nothing to really warrant too much concern.

Cliffs of Dover

White Cliffs of Dover

When she started getting worse I took her to get checked out. Surprisingly they said she was still in good condition for her age. Her prognosis was really quite favorable and they expected her to last several more years.  Oh, they couldn’t have been more wrong! It wasn’t but two weeks later that she really took a turn for the worse.  She began overheating, discharging milky fluids, and then… (more…)

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