Toddlers with Tantrums Raze the Deadwood Hills
Venturing through the Black Hills in early April often involves encountering snow, alongside navigating the challenges and joys of parenting young children. Amidst unexpected blizzards and the whirlwind of family life, we eventually found ourselves in need of a break from our vacation. Despite the hurdles, the Cutler family embraced an unforgettable journey exploring the stunning landscapes of South Dakota and Wyoming. Deadwood, a historic town, served as the central hub of our western adventure, offering a glimpse into the past amidst our present-day escapades.

Gold was found in the Black Hills in 1874, leading to a major gold rush that attracted thousands of miners in search of wealth and recognition. Named after a significant gulch filled with fallen trees, Deadwood gained fame for its colorful residents like Wild Bill Hickok, Poker Alice, and Calamity Jane. Living in Deadwood for two years during my childhood holds a special place in my heart.
(more…)Posted in Adventurous Places, Historical Journeys, North America and tagged Black Hills by Big John with 2 comments.