Greenville- My Hometown of Heroes

The beautiful Upstate city of Greenville, SC was once known as the Textile Center of the World. During the textile industry boom, the Poe Mill was the largest manufacturing center in the area. At one time the mill encompassed 75 acres of property and employed nearly 400 workers. Today all those spindles and looms have long since been silenced. As a result, the vibrant city reinvented itself and is now an internationally recognized city of commerce.


Poe MIll

Poe Mill, Greenville, SC


Personally, Greenville isn’t just a place of old red-brick mills and emerging institutes of commerce. If you ask me, my hometown is a place of heroes. The city’s name alone was taken from a hero of the American Revolution, Major General Nathanael Greene. This General of the Continental Army commanded the Southern Campaign and was considered George Washington’s right-hand man. (more…)

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Will Work For Vacation

Today I’m back at work and I wish more than anything that I was still on vacation.  It’s not that I don’t enjoy my job. I find it to be a very rewarding career. With today’s job market, I’m very fortunate to  have a steady paycheck when so many other Americans aren’t so lucky. I guess I just have that wanderlust spirit and most likely always will. There are really only two things I enjoy about being back in the hustle and bustle of daily life… Yes, really just two!



Back in the hustle and bustle of daily life.

The first thing I enjoy about being back home is definitely the money situation. I happen to be one of those less fortunate souls that goes on vacation for one week, and then goes on a diet for about a month afterwards because I can barely afford groceries. I always seem to come back home penniless. I guess when I’m vacationing, it’s easy to forget that I earn a meager living shaving the backsides of llamas. The trade-off always seems worth it though. Everything just seems somehow better when your away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Even food tastes much better on vacation. I could eat nachos out of a dumpster, if that dumpster was in… say….the Mayan Riviera… and they would be delicious! (more…)

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