Why I May Never Quit My Job to Travel the World

So you’ve read the title and you’re no doubt probably wondering, why?  Why is it that I may never quit my job to travel the world? Since I’m fairly new to this whole blogging thing, I decided to kick it around in a few other travel-adventure blog sites this weekend to see what my competitors are up to. In doing so I learned two important things about my own site.

First, I learned that I need to invest in a better camera… probably one that doesn’t come attached to a cell phone plan.  Taking a course in photography couldn’t hurt either. There are some amazing photographs out there! The second thing I learned, and perhaps the one thing that really sets me apart from all the others, is that I’m the ONLY travel blogger who hasn’t quit my job to travel the world!

Don’t just take my word for it! Go to one of those (less-entertaining) sites and see for yourself. You’ll usually find the piece published as the author’s feature article and it will read something like this: I live with no regrets, so I quit my office job sitting at a cubicle and decided to travel the world!


The front page of every other travel blogger’s title page

There are so many things I find wrong with that statement that I really don’t know where to begin. First of all, what does that mean to live with no regrets? I have regrets everyday! I regret eating that sushi I bought last night from the Gas-n-Go. I regret asking my cellmate at the county jail last week if he could please hurry up with his phone call; and I regret making out with that girl named Pork Chop in the eleventh grade!

Second, why is it that every travel-blogger has only held an office jobs where he or she  sat in a cubicle all day? Where are all the former police officers, sanitation workers, or llama-grooming technicians (such as myself) that decided to just pack it up and see the world? Where are the articles that read- I quit stripping at Lady Godiva’s to backpack across all of Europe? Now to me, that would be a great story!

Lastly, and most importantly, who the hell can afford to just quit his or her job to see the world?! I would love to quit my job to travel. Do you know what would happen if tomorrow I decided to just retire my shears and electric clippers and do just that? I would make it about as far as Birmingham in a Greyhound bus; and then I’d see a whole lot of the world lying back in a pile of newspaper on a city park bench!

sleeping on a bench 

My reality if I quit my job to see the world.

So as of right now, I won’t be quitting my job any time soon. I may never quit my job to travel the world, but…. I can still dream and l can still travel from time to time. Most importantly, I can continue coming here to this site and sharing all of those crazy travel adventures with you.

Thank you for reading my article and I hope you visit my site again real soon. Feel free to explore other areas of my blog, post a comment, and send some love on social media.

Happy travels,

Big John

Please show some love and share my post!

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