Life is Always Sunny in Southend-on-Sea

In Essex County of Merry Old England lies the seaside resort town of Southend-on-Sea. This quaint coastal community  is really quite remarkable. It boasts seven miles of beaches, great shopping, a seaside amusement park, and the world’s longest leisure pier in the world.  Knowing all this, this was one place that Big John wanted to experience first hand.

Norfolk, Dubai, England, Mexico 034

It appears boating is still very popular along this particular section of coastline.

Southend-on-Sea began its humble beginnings as a place for poor fishermen’s huts and farms at the southern end of the village called Prittlewell. In the 1790s, the first buildings around what was to become the High Street of Southend were completed. Southend continued to stay pretty much off the radar until the 19th century when Princess Caroline of Brunswick just happened to pay a visit to the small seaside community. Well, the princess quickly fell in love with the place and a seaside resort sprang up not long after, giving the community some much needed fanfare. (more…)

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Scrumptious Confections from Around the Globe

One of the most exciting aspects about international travel can be the simple joy of sampling new desserts.  If you’re a globetrotter with a sweet tooth, you know I’m speaking your language.

In the following article I’ve compiled an assorted list of scrumptious confections from around the world.  If you’re  currently not traveling, no need to feel left out. I’ve included the complete recipe for each dessert featured; this way you won’t have to journey any further than your own kitchen to enjoy these tastes from around the globe.

Australian Flag



 Banana Fritters

Chinese migrant workers first introduced banana plants to Queensland in the 1800s. Since then, the taste of this sweet pulpy fruit has become an Australian favorite.  The banana fritter is not only delicious, it makes for a low-fat , high-fiber dessert.

Prep Time: 5 mins   Cook Time: 10 mins  Ready In: 15 mins


  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tablespoons of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon of margarine
  • 1 cup of all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 quart of vegetable oil (for frying)
  • 1 cup of confectioner’s sugar (for dusting)


First, in a large bowl mash the bananas. Mix in milk, eggs and margarine until it’s completely smooth. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg.  Stir these dry ingredients into your banana mixture.

Next, heat the oil in a deep fryer or heavy bottomed pan to 375 degrees F or 190 degrees C. Drop batter by spoonfuls into hot oil, and cook, turning once, until browned 2 to 8 minutes. Drain on paper towels and dust with confectioners’ sugar. This may not be the prettiest dessert but they sure are tasty. (more…)

Posted in Adventurous Places, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Great Dining, North America, South America and tagged , , by with no comments yet.

From Merry Old England with Love



Living the life of a secret agent and international man of mystery is rarely easy in merry old England. I was inside my Godmanchester home, enjoying a nice peaceful day of rest, when an urgent coded message arrived by carrier pigeon at my garden window.

Agent 008: The panther has been spotted sipping wine  at the Old Bridge Hotel. Make contact with her, establish trust, find out what dastardly schemes she has up her sleeve, and detain her for further questioning before she can carry out her plot. Exercise extreme caution as she is considered armed and dangerous.


France and England 2010 253

My home for a year in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire, England

The Panther was an infamous jewel thief and highly trained assassin. She would not fall easily. I would have  to outsmart her with my wit, charm, and ruggedly handsome good looks in order to prevent from  compromising the mission. I splashed on my most irresistible secret agent aftershave, jumped into my ever-faithful Rover 45, and raced to the Old Bridge Hotel in record time.

Posted in Adventurous Places, Europe, Great Dining, Tall Tales and Big Fish Stories and tagged , , , by with 3 comments.

Boxing Gloves and Kangaroo Dreams

The Aboriginals believed that if you ever dream about getting attacked by a kangaroo then your reputation is in great peril.  I thought about that before deciding to tell this story; but since I lost my reputation after making out with this girl named Porkchop in the eleventh grade, I think this one can be safely told.



Origins of Kangaroo Dreams

Awhile back, Rebecca and I were feeling rather adventurous so we decided to go to Saskatoon Restaurant for some wild and exotic game. Saskatoon is an amazing culinary emprise where any manner of fowl or beast is afforded an equal opportunity to make an appearance on your dinner plate. (more…)

Posted in Great Dining, Scattered Thoughts, Tall Tales and Big Fish Stories and tagged by with 9 comments.

Riviera Mayan Adventure on the Reef Playacar

When Rebecca first mentioned going to the Mexican Riviera I was leery. Mexico? At the time, the only thing I knew about our southern neighbor was what the US Army taught me years before. That hard lesson was learned in 1998 while doing a short stint at Fort Bliss. For those of you unfamiliar with Fort Bliss, it’s a 1,700 square mile playground reserved exclusively for Uncle Sam. It’s the US Army’s second largest installation, home of the 1st Armored Division, and situated in the picturesque desert city of El Paso, TX.  Any soldier who’s ever spent more than a day at Ft. Bliss knows the kind of world that exists once you leave El Paso and cross into that southern border town. Juarez, Mexico – the home of crooked cops, drug cartels, and a perfect place to get raped, robbed, or murdered. It’s not exactly the type of place you would take the kids to get t-shirts, postcards, or ice cream. Anyhow, you can see why I was so apprehensive about taking a vacation there.

As it turns out, all Mexican towns and cities do not rank the same. To make a comparison between Juarez and some of Mexico’s more popular tourist destinations is like trying to compare Detroit, Michigan with Cary, North Carolina. There just isn’t any comparison. So putting all reservations aside, Rebecca and I purchased a flight and headed out into Mexico’s lush Riviera Maya.

Norfolk, Dubai, England, Mexico 777

Following this truck, I knew I had to be heading in the right direction.

The Riviera Maya is truly a magnificent place. The entire area is a tropical paradise located on the Yucatan Peninsula. The region is famous for its Caribbean beaches, beautiful jungles, and warm tropical climate. There’s no shortage of sights to see, things to do, or places to explore here in this neck of the woods! (more…)

Posted in Adventurous Places, Great Dining, South America and tagged , , by with 2 comments.